Wednesday, April 02, 2008

A few minor irritations


I am really trying to figure out why mugs are in the grocery store at 7pm on a Wednesday like it's the club. And no, they are not there trying to get their lean cuisine on, or to jump off their 10 inch frozen pizza. No, they are straight lucky charms with theirs, they got the Gerber, the 2 gallons of milk, the family size packet of chicken (because you know you got to get the family size packet of chicken) and the Lays bag of chips all stacked up in the cart like they are at Costco.

So now when I go to pick up my "single woman dinner" of pasta and a bottle of wine, I have to wait for 30 minutes while Stacia and dem', unpack the cart, pull out the coupons, get the cash back, slap little ray-ray and dem around a bit and finally finish checking out.

I am just saying people. Can y'all get some business AND your groceries on the weekend and leave the weekdays to the single folk, like its supposed to be? Am I wrong for grimming you up while you stand their reading your National Inquirer by the check out stand and secretly hoping you trip and take the family size packet of chicken to the chest?


Listen here...why when I am leaving the gym, after my workout and shower on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays is every single machine, weight and space in the entire gym being used? Business hours in California are 9am-6pm, so I am trying to figure out why people are just getting to the gym at 9:30am. I mean let's overlook the fact that I am on the way to my job at 9:30, what time are you planning to get to yo' job? And if you got it like that, how can I get yo' job, because my two degrees obviously don't mean a thing if you get to just work out all morning and then show up at the office when you feel like it. Am I wrong for grimming you up while you are on the treadmill or hoping you pop an achilles and take the emergency stop button to the chest?

I'm. just. sayin.'

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Things Imma need....

What's up family?  Long time no speak.  Trust that mugs have been trying to get it together and whether or not it is working is a whole 'nother issue...Any way... I gots a whole bunch of things that must get out of my head and on to paper and this is just a start....

Imma need.....

1.  Hillary to sit down somewhere!!!!! Immediately!  You are an embarrassment boo and Im'ma tell you why...
A.  Before I go completely all the way off, know that I used to like this broad.  I thought she was a strong, viable candidate and she is smart as a whip.  So I respected her for that, but now I am through with her donkey!
B.  Here is some over-due advice Hills... DO YOU!!!!!!  If you had done you at the beginning, you wouldn't have peed me off.  I feel that I do not know who you are or what you represent as you change your image/personality e'ry 20 seconds.  You act like that PMS chic that is on da rag and all over the damn place.  One minute your trying to be stoic and the next, your crying like a beeotch!  You cry cause the media is f-ing with you?  Are you serious?  What you goin do when crazy azz terrorists are on set?  Gasp and Swoon and fall the freak out?  Listen Danielson, you gangstered your way through all of Bill's ho scandals like a trooper and now you want to cry foul at the media.  If there was anytime you would have been justified to break down, it was during that mess.  We all wanted to slap that freak out of Bill.  But we're passed that and now you're crying at the media? Stop it!  Follow the standard of Dubya and stay the damn course.  Stop trying to be who you think folks want you to be.   Fire every male in your campaign that tells you to pony up.  Its not working and I'm a mad voter.  In a minute, imma bout to be in the Green Party.  
C.  If you had done you and appeared with some Jeans and Crocs, I would have gave you mad credit, but instead, you parlay the Laura Bush Yellows and the Tight Beeoch Blues, and I'm over it.  Don't want you as my Commander in Chief because you look like you would just snap all ill-advised, be out of pocket, cry and say, "I know you are but what am I?"  Red Freaking Light!
D.  Attacking Barack's pastor?  For real?  Don't disrespect the Black Church, missy.  This is an area you know nothing about and you are out of order.  Imma need a funeral home fan and a building fund envelope, so I can go up side your head straight Aunt Esther style.  Stop with the mud-slinging boo!  Not a good look and the only animals that play in mud are PIGS.... I smells bacon!

Moving on.....

2.  Imma need the new governor of New York to sit has azz down somewheres.  Can you stop telling on yourself?  let the media do their job and find out some ish.  Next thing you know, Im'ma hear about how you ordered 6 chicken nuggets and got 7 and didn't tell no body.  *lips to the side*

3.  Imma need for Tyra to stop with ANTM.  I loves Tyra!  You my gurl boo!  But for real?  I haven't seen these broads out side of the show and there are too many I can't keep up.  They all look like remixes of each other.  When mugs show up imitating the previous nobody that won, its is wack!  Cloning is real!

4.  Imma need for kids killing kids to stop in the Chi!  Guns really kill and you can't turn the game off and start ova!  Trust that you are not that hard thug if you are carrying a gun and killing folks.  Is your life really that hard?  All you got to do is go to school and get an edumacation.  Truth: being an adult is hard.  But you are at the prime of your life, young'un.  Now you done caught a case, and as a former prosecutor, they are about to send you to adult jail with your kiddie ass wit no pass go!  Bam!  Life over for real!  And tell yo family to stop passing the hell out in court like you was an angel.  If your punk ass mama had a done what she was supposed to, maybe we wouldn't be here on a murder case.  I have no sympathy for the family that fronts like Ray Ray was a good kid when he was 19 and in the 9th grade, tatoos of dead homies on his back, and his pants hanging to his knees.  Ain't no coming back from jail, rehabilitation is a lie and ain't no broads in jail.  Folks ain't really hiring a mug with a correctional facility degree in Marketing.  Think about it!

5.  Imma need for mugs to stop hitting on folk at the gym.  You are wack and it is not cute.  The last thing I need is for a 4 ft 5 brother with a big top body sitting on a little lower body trying to holla.  Don't try and catch a chic while she jacked, sweaty and mad that she at the gym.   Specially when she is in the weight room.  You might get a barbell to the head bruh?!  Further, upon introducing your wack ass, don't add a dang nickname.  Not cute and real ill!  Listen, ahhh, Willie, for real, carry yo azz on!

6.  Imma need for folks to buy clothes to fit their body.  If you got side pillows, don't buy tight shirts that make you look like a double cheese burger.  You know you didn't look right when you left the house, so why you mad that I shouted Hamburgerler when you rolled pass?  If you do not have a booty, stop bring attention to it.  I'm tired of driving my car and ending up on your neck cause I can't tell where the road ended and your back began.   And while I'm at it....skinny jeans are for skinny folk.  If you are looking for skinny jeans in a size 16,  you are foul.  Look for some swimmy jeans and carry yo azz on!

To be continued...

Thursday, September 14, 2006


On the hot tip....KELIS is doing the darn thing. I am not into mohawks, but she sholle is rockin it out with the new do. Her naturally curly hair is cute as well, but she looks super-fly with the banged up do...

So as far as Who does this?....the answer would be my gurl Kelis...

Rock on...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Ok. My partner in crime...divajd...regretted to inform me that these loving, gentle creatures had recently been under attack after the untimely and tragic death of Steve Irwin.

It seems as though, our good friends down in Australia have taken to senseless violence and mayhem against these poor innocent creatures. According to my sources at Reuters, nearly 10 stingrays have been found dead off the coasts of Sydney....

wait for it......wait for it.....

CAN someone tell me who in the sam hell needs to be pimp slapped because I am at a loss for words...

LET ME GET THIS STRAIGHT...joe human decides to kick it in the Stingray's living space, joe human gets stung...joe human dies and WE BLAME THE STINGRAY.


How 'bout you try and break into my house tonight and you see if I don't buss a cap in yo' a**, then we'll talk about blaming the victim.

What happened to Mr. Irwin was senseless and tragic but retribution on the stingray that is almost as senseless and tragic. Get it together my friends, you just don't swim with stingrays, that is the lesson I have learned...let's learn it together and move on......

Monday, September 11, 2006



I saw the Proactiv commercial for the hundredth billionith time and really paid attention to the commercial. DIDs claims that his skin was horrible and he used Proactiv to "maintain his sexy?" Seems to me that he should have use PROTEETHTIV and shrunk his grill. It drives me absolutely insane that this dude can not close his mouth. He has way too many big ass teeth for the grouper jaw he got going on. And the thing is, he has enough money to fix that madness! Stop throwing parties and whatnot and kick a few to a dentist! Take that! Take that!

And now I have to hear that he is still procreating? Not one, but two spawn? 2 FINGERS TO DA LEFT!

PS In case you forgot...Riding your bike is a dangerous activity!


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Two things I learned this week...and

First, Suri Lives. Not sure why folks spectulated that TOMKAT would FAKE a pregnancy......I mean come on now, how long could they go on trying to pull THAT off?

AND WHY would they try to pull that of?

If you say for attention, ima buss you in the eye...they are card carrying members of the celeberatzi...they can't even go to a scientology meeting in peace.

Think these things through people.

Just because you don't see the sun at night...doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Oh, and swimming with stingrays...probably not a good idea.

2 to tha left...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

I'm just saying?????

Just because someone is in a wheelchair, doesn't mean you can catch them slippin! See, dude tried to pull a punk a** move jackin the disabled, but guess what.... He caught one!

See the full comedy:


Each week I pledge to name one deserving member of the celebaratzi that I am too through with....when your name is called, please take your bling and bootleg status and BOUNCE....

and this week, I am so Over....


when reporters are standing outside of your house after you have been arrested for a DUI...and that is the LEAD story of the's time for you to BOUNCE

take your whack ass dog and get ta steppin.

WE aren't sure why you are famous and even LESS sure why you are now MORE famous for driving drunk..

two fingers to the left.....